• Limited edition (> A3) of 5 copies (numbered and signed).
• A4 unlimited.
• FineArt Cards (A4 folded with envelope)
• Large selection of other photo products shop.hess.photography
Different contrasts (cold/warm, soft/hard). The photo was taken in Halten, Heiligenschwendi, showing Bernese Alps with Gsplatehorn (the one with the crevices), Dreispitz and Blümlisalp. Between the contrasts and not visible is the Thunersee / Lake of Thoune; vaguely perceptible by the banks of haze.
NIKON D5300 | AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED
70 mm | f/5 | 1/400 | ISO 100
Date 2015-11-01
• Limited edition (> A3) of 5 copies (numbered and signed).
• A4 unlimited.
• FineArt Cards (A4 folded with envelope)
• Large selection of other photo products shop.hess.photography